Keynote Speakers
Tuesday 7th July 2009
Professor James Dalziel
Macquarie E-Learning Centre of Excellence
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
James is the Director of the Macquarie University E-Learning Centre of Excellence (MELCOE) iin Sydney, Australia, and also a Director of the LAMS Foundation and of LAMS International Pty Ltd. James is known nationally and internationally for his research into and development of innovations in e-learning, and technical standards. He has directed and contributed significantly to e-learning projects such as the Meta-Access Management System project (MAMS), The Collaborative Online Learning and Information Services project (COLIS), and the Learning Activity; Management System project (LAMS).
Professor Gráinne Conole

The Institute of Educational Technology
The Open University, UK
Gráinne Conole is Professor of e-Learning at the Open University, with research interests in the use, integration and evaluation of Information and Communication Technologies and e-learning and impact on organisational change. She was previously Chair of Educational Innovation at Southampton University and before that Director of the Institute for Learning and Research Technology at the University of Bristol. She has extensive research, development and project management experience across the educational and technical domains; funding sources have included HEFCE, ESRC, EU and commercial sponsors. Recently funded projects include the HEFCE-funded E-Learning Research Centre, the JISC/NSF funded DialogPlus digital libraries project and the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods. She serves on and chairs a number of national and international advisory boards, steering groups, committees and international conference programmes.